Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Drilling

Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Drilling

An augercast pile, often known as a continuous flight augering (CFA) pile, is formed by drilling into the ground with a hollow stemmed continuous flight auger to the required depth or degree of resistance. No casing is required. A cement grout mix is then pumped down the stem of the auger. While the cement grout is pumped, the auger is slowly withdrawn, conveying the soil upward along the flights. A shaft of fluid cement grout is formed to ground level. Reinforcement can be installed. Recent innovations in addition to stringent quality control allows reinforcing cages to be placed up to the full length of a pile when required. A typical reinforcing cage will consist of 4 to 8 bars from #5 to #8 bars typically 1/3 the length of the pile with longitudinal circular ties spaced along the length of the cage. Where tension loads are present it is typical to see a single full length bar placed at the center of each pile.

Augercast piles cause minimal disturbance, and are often used for noise and environmentally sensitive sites. Augercast piles are not generally suited for use in contaminated soils, due to expensive waste disposal costs. In cases such as these however a displacement pile may provide the cost efficiency of an augercast pile and minimal environmental impact. In ground containing obstructions or cobbles and boulders, augercast piles are less suitable as refusal above the design pile tip elevation may be encountered. In certain cases drill motors that produce more torque and horsepower may be able to mitigate these events