Clarkson Square

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Building Foundations

Clarkson Square  – 80 Clarkson / 570 Washington

Clarkson Square development encompasses an entire city block located in the West Village of Manhattan and consists of 80 Clarkson Street and 570 Washington Street.

80 Clarkson Street will be the taller of the two buildings, standing 34-stories (419 feet tall) and totaling 679,000 square feet. It will contain 133 ultra-luxurious residential units and ground-floor retail space.

570 Washington Street will sit just to the east of its larger neighbor, standing 19-stories tall and totaling around 170,000 square feet. It will offer ground-floor retail space as well, but instead of luxury condos, it will provide 169 affordable rental units for senior citizens.

Scope of Work- Clarkson Square

  • Installation of a new 30-in diameter soil mix wall and CSM wall to top of rock
  • Installation of dewatering wells
  • Installation of two levels of tiebacks and waler system
  • Redesign and value engineering of structural piles and tiedowns
  • Installation of 26-, 28- and 36-in diameter drilled caissons
  • Excavation, characterization and off-site disposal of excess soil/fill generated during construction
  • Furnish and install all cast in place concrete for pile caps, mats, slabs and perimeter walls to grade
  • Installation of SOE and piles for Con Ed vaults

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